Sunday, January 31, 2010

-010210-No8-Like the flash-

I still have half a Christmas pie in the freezer, but it's already February. No, this is not a testament to the Chunn-ness of my freezer, but a testament to the speed at which time flies. It's seems great, time flying by, easier to get over with this game of life. But, what if you wana enjoy and savour the moments of life as they pass by, it's too fast! When you're enjoying yourself a day can be over in a split second, but when you're down and depressed, it could take what seems like years. But there is nothing we can do, just enjoy life the best we can. And make sure we don't regret it.


Winning a Grammy? An Oscar? A dream come true, but, there is nothing better than a Blog post from a friend.
Makes me feel honoured. Thanks alot Darling Piggy Porky Pie!



Just a small breeze,
but you can hear every detail of it,
Just a needle falling to the floor,
but you can hear and count the exact amount of times it spins,
Pure nothingness,
Pure silence,
An ant following a trail of spilt sugar,
how exciting!
I'm bored out of my skull.

-310110-No5-just like smoking-

Just like smoking, only there is a smaller chance of death. It hurts you, yet you wanna go back, I don't wanna see you hurting over and over again. It hurts me too. Seeing a friend i've known for god knows how long hurting over and over again. We've been through some stuff right?? Not that much compared to others, but, i know you pretty well, and I know it's a fact people have limits of pain. And i think you have reached your limit, ix3Rukia, I love you, and i can't can't repeat can't stand to see you hurting. Maybe finding someone else can help you move on, i'm just saying. And i hope you'll take what i say to heart, move on babe.


Confusing someone is simple in many ways, you can take them on a verbal ride around the bush where you talk about how terribly boring football is yet how so many people can seem to fall in love with it, then you can move on to how football betting has made so many people poorer than ever and all for the love of the game. Then you can also talk about how football players and team owners can become so friggin' rich it's not funny. And another point you can bring up is how some of the greatest football players came from nothing and are now swimming in everything. Or if you want you can change topic to music, how billions of people love music yet millions can't play music. Billions wanna be someone, but only one is the best. How some members of certain religious sects say a certain song played backwards has blasphemous messages and is the work of the devil. You can also talk about love being a great friend but a shytty enemy. Making you cry shyt loads, yet making you jump for joy and becoming a confused soul after reading my post.

-310110-No3-alone much?-

Its that time of the year again, the 14th day of the 2nd month, a day where people across the western world express their love for one another, it is a day named after 2 Christian martyrs both named Valentine. Valentine's Day, the international day of love, but this year, there will be a twist, the first day of chinese new year, or Chor Yat will be on the same day. The day will be great, collecting angpaus from relatives who seem to disappear from the face of the earth and return only once a year. But, over all, I don't think i'll be happy, Valentine's Day, Alone??? It sounds like some sad sad beggining of a book doesn't it? A day when you'll feel extremely lonely, yet have a fat load of cash in your wallet. Bittersweet much? A friend of mine, a really nice girl, is heartbroken, because of an ass of a 'boyfriend' she had. She still loves him deep down inside, and, she's my pet sister, and I love her more than i love nicotine. And it hurts me to see her hurting, all I want is for her to move on, be happy again, the same pet sis who would poke my fat, mess up my hair and hang out with me while we skipped church. Jie, this post is dedicated to you, I love you! And i want you to cheer up, Please??

Saturday, January 30, 2010


What is the definition of love?
Love- a strong sense of attraction towards someone.

According to Wikipedia that is, but what about that thing that most of us have felt before? That bittersweet feeling, melancholic, yet gay. Is it possible to control someone's love? Or is it only up to the person to do it. Whether it ends up in heart break, or the much sought after HappilyEverAfter, there is nothing much we can do about it. Anyone read ThePhantomOfTheOpera by Gaston Leroux? Erik, ThePhantom, is a good friend, but a bad enemy. In my opinion, those seven words sum love up in a whole. When we're in love we feel joyful and gay, yet, because of the aftermath of love, we are depressed and down. What is this feeling actually? Is it purely a state of mind? Or is it something out of our control? Is true love possible? Or is it just a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying absolutely nothing.
We might never know what it is, but, we must learn to live with it and work around it, for the better.

-Dedicated to a brokenhearted friend, cheer up iX3Rukia

Friday, January 29, 2010

-290110-No1-What if-

What If?

Down with racism everyone says, but, is it really possible? In schools you see racism amongst students, gangs of one superior race. Even in the country as a whole you see it, priviliges for a race commonly called 'Superior'. It saddens me at the thought, classmates of mine saying, 'Sorry, I can't help it, I was born to be racist.' Why? What did they do to you? Everyone knows it's wrong, yet, some races tarnish their own name by their behaviour and attitude to certain things, we can't help it can we? 1Malaysia? What about on a smaller scale. For every great plan, time was essential. Time and honest TenderLovingCare.

Yes i'm back.

ReStarted my blog, purely out of boredom.